Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A GOP preview

I know... I know. I promised a few blog entries recently about each candidate. Well, plans have changed! After doing research, watching MORE debates, and more brainstorming, I decided to change my method of writing. I am going to do it BY THE ISSUES. This will be easier to follow AND easier to make comparisons. I do want to make a few comments as a sort of "preview" before the upcoming blog entries.

After watching last night's CNN debate, this is my takeaway:

My favorites are still and have been Romney and Cain. I think together they'd be unbeatable. They both have private sector experience, and they joined together even if for just a moment in last night's debate to point out that maybe that's why they are neck and neck for first in the latest polls. It's very important to me to have someone with some actual business sense and a real PLAN on how to fix things in our country. I want real, positive change.

I am not a fan of Perry. He has said nothing that gets my heart racing yet. No great plans, unless someone can tell me otherwise.
I did not like Santorum's attack dog mess last night; plus, not really seeing anything new for the GOP there other than being Catholic.
Bachmann just needs to get out while she still can. She is obviously trying to appeal to emotions in this campaign and not really setting out plans on how to fix things.
Newt has great ideas now and again, but he seems too party-centered rather than people-centered for me.
And Ron Paul... oh my! He has a few great ideas in concept. I agree that we should take a few troops out of places that we really don't "need" to be. I've been saying forever that we should put those troops on OUR border and get down to business on protecting it.

I think it will be an interesting ride to say the least. I am looking forward to tackling the issues and comparing the candidates' platforms. Hope y'all will take the ride with me!

Love, peace, and freedom,
Jenna J.

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