Thursday, August 5, 2010

Equality in marriage

As many of you know, yesterday a U.S. Court overturned the California same-sex marriage ban. Beliefs aside, I have a huge problem with both sides of the marriage argument. 

For those extremists who are giving Christians a bad name by saying things like, "God hates f****ts", shame on you! As a Christian, we are supposed to do as Jesus did... and not judge! Though God may hate the wicked, He sent His Son as an example as to how we should reach out to His creation. We must reach out to those who have not accepted Jesus and show God's love. Jesus was friends and probably spoke more with sinners than he did with the righteous. Why? Because Jesus was sent into the world to save us sinners so that we may become a child of God and be loved by our Heavenly Father.

Now on to the marriage argument. There are those who think that the government should recognize same-sex marriages because it is an equal freedom. And there are those who believe that only traditional marriage between a man and a woman should be recognized.

I have this thought and idea that maybe the government should just be taken out of the religious view of marriage completely. Let the IRS and other organizations recognize unions, and let religious groups recognize marriages. The government pries its way into every part of our lives... shouldn't the sanctity of marriage be something along the lines of separation of church and state? Let marriage continue to be the tradition that it is... between a man and a woman under God. And let government give equality and take taxes from those who want to be partnered in life.

What are your thoughts? Maybe someone out there has a more versed idea! 

Peace, love, and freedom,

Jenna J.


  1. You couldn't be more right. I feel the same way. When it comes to the 10 Commandments all you you hear is the sound of people crying out "separation of church and state," but you start talking about marriage rights and suddenly that little phrase disappears. And as far as Christians and our attitude. It's sad to admit that it's true the many Christians, especially here in the South, do not love, respect, and fairly treat homosexuals. God commands us to love EVERYONE. He commands us to reach out to EVERYONE. We Christian's give our own selves a bad name...

  2. Thank you for commenting, Jas! And yes, sadly, Christians have lost sight of what's important: spreading the message of Jesus. :)

  3. You are right! You can't have it both ways. This country was built on CHRISTIAN BELIEFS. Not free religious beliefs. Christianity is a
    way of life and there is no way to separate it from government.
    It seems to me that when non- Christians try and to Christian beliefs and doctrines out of our government they are forcing us to live their lifestyle. I still believe that this country was built and became a great country because of Christ being the center of the structure it was built on. Marriage is a God formed institution. It is between a man and a woman. Just as Satan has done through out history, he twist what God created and makes it wicked, sinful, evil, and unnatural. Marriage between anyone other than a man and a women is not God ordained or Godly in anyway. Government can not force the Christian heart, mind, body or soul to accept it. However, as Christians we MUST show them love. How else could we ever reach them. God was tolerant of many things that had no Godly hand in them, therefore we must follow, but also remember Jesus was angry on many occasions in the Bible. It is not the anger that is wrong it is how we handle it that becomes wrong.
    Terri S.
