Saturday, September 11, 2010

We fear that which we do not understand

Over the last few weeks, we have heard the media speak and write about the plan of building an Islamic cultural center and mosque near the World Trade Center site. This plan has brought out a variety of emotions from the American people. I have heard all sides. One being that the Muslim community should know and realize that it would be an angry reminder that the extremists of their religion were the very terrorists that took thousands of lives on 9/11/2001. Another side saying that the Muslims have every constitutional right to build the mosque where they want--America was founded on religious freedom afterall. Some are extreme in their take on the debate. I have seen a hatred brewing against the Muslim community more so in the last month than I have in the last nine years!

A huge example of this hatred would, of course, be the pastor of a 30-member congregation in Florida. Pastor Terry Jones and the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., gained too much media attention this week with their "plan" to burn Qur'ans/Korans. Some may say they have every freedom and right in our country--that it's a freedom of speech; yes, this is true. BUT, it boils my blood to think that 31 so-called members of the Body of Christ are giving such a radical, malicious view toward Christianity. Please take a look at this article about another horrific group of so-called Christians... Westboro group.

Do they realize that the rest of the world (20 percent of which are Muslim) looks at this group as the representation of the word "Christian"? And do they realize that what they are doing is equivalent to those extremist Muslims that will do (at any cost) hurtful things in the name of God (Allah)?

I believe this hatred is a result of the fear of those whom we do not UNDERSTAND. Anyone ready for a history lesson? :)

The word "Muslim" means "one who submits to God". They believe in only one God (Allah in Arabic), and that Islam existed long before Muhammad. The religion had evolved from the time of Adam until the time of Muhammad. 
Muslims believe in prophets and messengers such as Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus and his apostles, and Muhammad.

Muslims have a religious duty to pray FIVE times a day.

Lesson #3: MUHAMMAD
It states in their Declaration of Faith (the Shahadah), "I bear witness there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness, Muhammad is His messenger." Muslims do not believe that God had a Son (Jesus). They only believe in messengers of God.

He is considered by Muslims as the greatest law-bearer in a series of Islamic prophets...and by most Muslims the last prophet as taught by the Qur'an. He follows a long line: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc. He was a military general, legislator, philosopher, and merchant. You can read more about him on Wiki... Muhammad. It's interesting to think that this man was promoting Islam at the same time Christianity was spreading rapidly. How do you think the Jews felt during that time?!

Lesson #4: MU'MIN or MUSLIM
The Qur'an makes a distinction between a true believer (mu'min) and a Muslim. A mu'min has given himself or herself to the faith heart and sould; whereas, a Muslim has submitted and does the bare minimum. Sound anything like Christianity?

As one of the oldest monotheistic religions, Judaism places emphasis on actions. Jews focus on their eternal covenant with God. Their holy book is the Tanakh which includes the Torah (the Christian's first 5 books of the Old Testament). Jews reject that God could be made to be joined in the material world; therefore, they reject Jesus as God in human form. Proper living is accomplished through good works, heartfelt prayer, and a strong faith in God. They still wait for God to send a Messiah--a leader annointed by God, a future King of Israel, physically descended from the Davidic line, and who will bring global peace. They do not believe in a literal Son of God.

Christianity emphasizes a God in three persons that share a divine essence--God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Son who died for humanity's sin. He took the place of the Jewish sacrifice for sin. One achieves salvation (Heaven bound after death) through accepting Jesus as their Savior. The Bible is the book that guides the Christian walk with God. Christians believe that works alone may not get one into Heaven, that one must be saved by God's grace. The Messiah is Jesus Christ of Nazareth as he met the prophecies in the Hebrew Bible.

Since we have already dove in to the Muslim religion a bit, I will just add one more thing! :) Muslims believe that JESUS is the Messiah, and that he is alive in Heaven and will return to Earth to defeat the Antichrist. And, other than the belief that Jesus will marry and have children and die like a normal man, they aren't too far off from the Christian view.

Jews, Christians, and Muslims are not THAT different. The three believe in the God of Abraham. The only real differences are their view of God and how one will get to Heaven. In reality, the Muslim beliefs are much closer to Christian beliefs than Judaism!

It astounds me how far back this religious hatred can go. Just read about the Crusades... a mix of religious, economic, and political issues.

There are also writings from the 8th century coining Muhammad as a false prophet. Read more about the  Christian view of Muhammad.

I may not believe in the Judaic or Muslim view of God, but I, as a Christian, follow the prime example of how I should treat others--Jesus Christ.

In Romans 12, I read that we should live peaceably with one another. So does that mean we should burn a book held precious by someone else? I don't think so. My comment to all of those in favor of burning the Qur'an: "Say all you want about the freedom of speech; but if you claim to be a Christian, maybe you should use precious time to read the Bible... starting with Luke 6:27-28. Remember that Jesus showed anger to the religious better-than-thou, not to the sinners and true worshipers of God."

I was told recently that I was wrong and deceived in my view of the events this month. My view being that I don't believe we should show such animosity especially when we should reach out and show the love of God to others. AND I pointed out to others that Muslims aren't so different, but that the ignorant are fearful of those they really know nothing about! I guess that's what I get for trying to learn about others to become more knowledgeable--I end up stepping on some toes! It broke my heart to be told that I basically wasn't a true Christian. May God open the eyes of all religious bigots out there, especially those led by false teachers. Come on, people... research for yourself! :)

I'd love to hear from you bloggers and readers out there! What's your view of the last month's events? Have you learned anything about the Muslim religion?

Love, peace, and freedom,

Jenna J.

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