Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Idiots among us

Have you ever wondered why certain groups are stereotyped and socially rejected?

Increasingly over the years, I have seen, read, and heard ridiculous statements regarding the ignorance of religion, conservatism, and the Southern part of the United States.

Can I please point out that there are idiots in all groups?!

People (at least in America) are labeled in 1 or more of the following groups: religious, atheist, agnostic, conservative, liberal, moderate, Northerner, Southerner, Mid-Westerner, Westerner. I'd like to talk about the one I am most passionate about: religious/nonreligious.

Religious/nonreligious idiocy
The most irritating idiots abide in this section. Religious idiocy can be summed up in one word: radicalism. No, this does not include the Jesus Freaks, or even the Muslims who pray five times a day; I am talking about those who take a piece of their religious scripture and do horrible inhumane things all in the name of their God. Car bombings in Pakistan, plane hijacking and killing thousands in New York, abortion clinic bombings, etc.

Atheists, on the other hand, reject the existence of a deity or deities. Yes, even some spiritual belief systems could be a part of this group (i.e. Buddhism). My beef with atheism is this: if there is no Heaven, Hell, God, gods, and all we do is die and turn to dust... then why push
for the non-belief? The idiocy I see among the atheist group is the "missionary atheist"... whose mission is to search for empirical evidence against said God or gods. Good luck with that, Sam Harris. I mean what is so wrong for the other, oh, 86% or more of the world to believe in a higher power? If the majority of that 86% believe in an afterlife and want to live a moral, good life... what is so wrong with that?

And then there's the agnostic. The lost, maybe-confused, and always-searching agnostic. They know there's something more, but they just can't make up their mind as to what IT is. The idiots here are the lazy ones. It's one thing to claim you are agnostic and actually do the research... actually contemplating a decision. BUT it is completely ridiculous to WASTE one's life by saying, "I'm agnostic," and yet not do anything about it but enjoy the label. Quit being a pansy and do your research already! Make a decision and enjoy your life!

I could go on, but I'd rather enjoy a good dialogue on the subject.

Love, peace, and freedom,

Jenna J.

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