Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My decent proposal of individual rights

As many of you know, have heard, or may have guessed, I consider myself a conservative. I believe in limited government, states' rights, pro-life legislation, lower taxes, and all that jazz. I am also a genuine believer in Christ, an avid reader of the Bible, a researcher of Christian and religious history, a perfectionist, and a passionate (and compassionate) citizen of the community, the USA, and the world. With that said, I would like to share something that has been on my heart for about a year.

Several months ago, I wrote an article about equality in marriage. I proposed the idea that maybe we should have true separation of church and state when it
comes to marriage. With gay rights activists and religious counterparts, we must ask ourselves, "Will this nonsense ever end?"

I think it could. I say, "There's a simple solution!"

Let's appease every group by leaving marriage to the churches! AND, at the same time, the government can pass legislation to allow civil unions.

Before you exit my post and move on to Facebook stalking, allow me to give you a hypothetical situation:
I'm a single woman with no male prospect in sight. My best friend has leukemia. Her insurance will run out in two months because she has been too sick to go to work. She also has no one worthy of husband material. What if we signed documents with the government stating we are partners? It's strictly business and friendship for us. So what's the big deal? The government will give us those INDIVIDUAL rights. As long as we are two human beings, it doesn't matter to them as long as the government gets our taxes.

As a Christian, I do not agree with homosexual relationships. I have friends who are homosexual, and I love them as much as I would my heterosexual friends. However, if they choose a partner, I have no right to tell them what to do under the law. That is between them and God.

This is a simple matter of separation of church and state. I realize most of our Founders were believers in God; however, they also escaped an almost tyrannical existence overseas. The "Church" told them how they should worship, where they should worship, when they should worship, how much money to pay, who their political leader would be... the list goes on and on. As long as we mix religion and government, we will never come to an agreement on marriage. NEVER. I have accepted this, and I have proposed that we do something about it.

This is different than women's rights and race/ethnic rights. This is a matter of individual rights. If this is a FREE country, this is the only option. Believe me, a few years ago, I would have said the classic, "We must create legislation that states marriage is between one man and one woman only." I still believe marriage should only be between a man and a woman. AND, with that, I also believe marriage is a religious institution, and we must not have the government involved.

My very conservative friends, I was once in your place. I was close-minded on this subject. But I encourage you to pray and do your research. I'd prefer you not comment about the classy Sodom & Gomorrah story. I know the Bible. I was raised a minister's daughter. I also became a Christian at a young age. I have read thousands of books, but the Bible is my favorite and I have read and continue to read it now as if it's a new book I just bought.

I encourage you to really dive into research. Read how Jesus talked and "hung out" with all kinds of people -- people of all social standings, people of all races, people of both sexes. Read how Jesus felt about government and religion. Read about Jewish culture, government, religion, etc. Don't spout off what you know from what you've been told and how you've grown up. That's a mistake we've seen throughout history.

AND for my very liberal friends... don't be stubborn. As "progressive" as you claim to be, I've seen just as much close-mindedness on the liberal side. Give this proposal a chance. Do your research. Note that if a government makes legislation that is too far off from a great religious majority, the other issues (which I consider more "life & death" than the controversial subject of gay marriage and civil unions) will take an eternity to confront, thus sinking the United States into greater debt and ruining our future as a nation.

I would love to hear feedback. I know this isn't a favorite option for either side, but it's time we quit with all the crap. Let's change the diaper and put on a new one.

Love, peace, and freedom,

Jenna J.

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