Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Case Against Cruz

Ted Cruz has been a top two contender in recent polls, basing his campaign strongly on his faith and conservative views. It's obvious to any human half paying attention that Cruz is after the evangelical vote. And with the endorsement of the likes of Dr. James Dobson and Rush Limbaugh, he's likely to get it.

With any candidate who speaks about Christianity and their beliefs, I start to question if they are genuine. If Cruz is a Christian candidate, the tree should bear some fruit, right? So... I did my research and found some pretty strong evidence that Cruz may not be so genuine.

If you plan to vote for Cruz on Saturday, here's a few reasons why you should rethink your choice.

1. False advertising.

Dr. James Dobson's endorsement ad claimed that Heidi Cruz would be the first pro-life First Lady. I find that a stretch. What do they consider pro-life? Many of the candidates and the former First Lady Laura Bush are pro-life, but allow exceptions in the cases where the life of the mother is at stake, as well as incest and rape.

Another ad was pulled by SC TV stations for false accusations about Rubio.

2. Blatant lying.

Cruz's campaign CALLED caucus-goers and LIED saying that Ben Carson had suspended his campaign, asking for their votes instead. This is infuriating! He could have made it right by apologizing publicly at the very least. He apologized to Dr. Carson, but that wasn't enough.

And this says something of his character and talent as a showman. He can lie and with a good poker face.

3. Double standard.

When Cruz goes after others for changing their stances or even working with both Republicans and Democrats to find a solution to an issue, he should take a look at his own history of change. For example, immigration. He struggled to explain his stance on Fox News in December.
4. Non-fruitful Christian.

With such a faith-based campaign, I would expect Cruz to have the evidence to back it up. According to his tax returns, he and his wife only gave only 1 percent to charity -- and nothing to church. They make more than $5 million a year.

I cannot stand a liar. I cannot stand a politician saying things just to get the vote. And I really cannot stand a politician who uses Jesus to get the vote, and not being truly genuine about their relationship with God. 

As I said in The Case Against Trump, it's up to you to be an informed voter and see where the candidates stand on the issues. Take all that I've given you and look at where Cruz stands

AND think about "winnability" in the general election! Cruz won't get any Democrats, and he won't get Independents who are looking for someone willing to work with the other side (like Rubio has in the Senate, for example).

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