Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Case of the Primary

Many ask me my thoughts on politics. I guess because I have that lovely degree that states I'm a "political scientist" -- whatever that means to you.

I don't know it all (wish I did... nah, life would be boring), but I do a lot of reading, listening, and follow people who do more research than I ever could. 

I like facts. 
I don't like hearsay.

As we draw closer to the SC Presidential Primary, it is my goal to present the case AGAINST who I will not vote for... based purely on evidence.

The Lineup
Case 1: Donald Trump 
Case 2: Ted Cruz 
Case 3: Hillary Clinton 
Case 4: Bernie Sanders

If I find the time, I'll throw in the few I find interesting enough to cast my vote for on Tuesday. More to come...

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