Monday, May 10, 2010

Faith and Patience: The Job Search Today

If you are close to Josh and me, you may know of our job searching adventures. Here's a brief update of what's going on....

For me:
I have applied/given resumes/had interviews with the Dept. of Veterans Affairs and Gresham Barrett's gubernatorial campaign. I have also given my resume to people as a means of networking. The good news is that I did get a job offer from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs in their Columbia regional office. The bad news is: the job wasn't what I originally thought it was in the application and interviewing process. I thought I would be interviewing veterans and their families to help them with benefits. However, the job would actually keep me in a cubicle with no personal contact. NOT ME!!!!! I pondered it for a few days, and I eventually declined the job offer. It was tough to turn down a job in this economy, but I'm not one to make a "reasonable" decision over what will make me happy.
I am REALLY hoping to get on with a campaign this year, but we shall see.

For Josh:
I am so proud of him. He applied to a handful of jobs, and he's already had four interviews. I will keep everyone posted on what happens. We are praying for the right thing to happen, but also (non-selfishly) praying that one particular job in SC will be offered to him!

No matter what happens, I am just glad to have my husband with me every step of the way. It's nice to make adventurous moves and start new chapters with my best friend. :)

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