Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bye-bye Clemson :(

I have four words for you: I MISS MY FRIENDS. I miss being able to just meet each other within 5 minutes. I miss being able to grab a quick bite. I miss being able to hang out at each other's houses at the drop of a hat. And, no, marriage didn't change that. In fact, my husband and I would still hang out with friends just as much IF our friends still lived within a 20-mile radius. 

But that's not how life really works. We grow up. We go to college, we get Master's degrees, we get married, we get jobs, and we ultimately MOVE away. I've known this... I've done this. In fact, I've moved a total of 16 times (just me... not my family nor my husband)... and I'm getting ready to move for the 17th time this week. With these moves, I've lived in 11 cities, I've made thousands of friends and acquaintances, and I've had about a dozen best friends. 

I'm still very grateful to have best friends, but I am sad that there will always be distance between all of us. It's impossible to talk every day as we all have our own lives to deal with. But does it not seem easier to talk to someone every day when we're only a hop, skip, and a jump away? 

I am very sad to leave Clemson this week. It seems like only yesterday I began an exciting journey at Clemson University. I may have been out of school for a few months, but WOW is it really sinking in that I am done. I have made some incredible friends, fun memories, and bonds with professors. While working at Northside Elementary this year, I have also met some amazing kids and met an awesome fellow Clemson alumni and friend--Kate! 

It's going to be a sad week, but I am looking forward to what God has planned for Josh and me. I am looking at this journey as an amazing adventure... I just hope I can still drive to see some of my besties and family more than once or twice a year. :(

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