Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Crooked Health Care Tango

As I was browsing through Facebook news feed this evening, an old classmate posted a news article link that had the following picture:
If you can't tell, that's President Jimmy Carter. I'll be a nice Southerner and say "bless his heart" before I go on. ;)
Good ol' Georgia boy in many ways was seen as a failure in the late 1970s. I don't think I have to explain why we should miss him.

During my free time today, my father shared the following with me:

Also, check out the following news article from The New York Times:

These two things alone should tell Democrats who danced the "crooked health care tango" with Pelosi and Obama that they FAILED to represent the American majority. May they all walk the plank of shame come election season.

Love, peace, and freedom,

Jenna J.

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