Thursday, March 11, 2010

When someone else has the power

I'd like to think that I'd make a fantastic leader. I don't get an attitude with co-workers, superiors, and those beneath me. I like to think of the well-being of the entire group. I take others' ideas into consideration and adapt them as needed. And I certainly consider myself respectful, open-minded, and friendly. Yet, I use a firm and thorough "rod" (so to speak) when I lead.

I believe being a leader requires a hard hand AND a soft heart. Too hard of a personality leaves one despised and disrespected. Too soft of a personality leaves one weak and (yes, you guessed it) also disrespected.

When it comes to leadership, I try to exhibit a mixture. I have seen leaders across the spectrum that exhibited too much sternness, too much tenderness, and a nice mixture of strong and soft. The only leaders I have ever respected were those that knew how to use that characteristic "blender."

I find myself wondering if the hard-handers and the soft-hearted realize that deep loss of disrespect from those that work with them. I find it difficult to avoid--at least as a fellow worker.

Ah, life. It really hurts to not have the "power." Not that I'm one that has to, but when I see things that the leader does not see... oh joy, do I really want that power. The power to get things done... the power to make things better... the power to tell that certain leader what he/she is doing wrong.

Anyone else ever feel like this?

I'll end with a quote from Mohandas K. Gandhi.
"I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people."
:) P.S. I love, love, love this picture my friend, Jamie, made last year. It would be such a huge dream-come-true if this were real. Just wanted to share... 

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