Over the last few weeks, we have heard the media speak and write about the plan of building an Islamic cultural center and mosque near the World Trade Center site. This plan has brought out a variety of emotions from the American people. I have heard all sides. One being that the Muslim community should know and realize that it would be an angry reminder that the extremists of their religion were the very terrorists that took thousands of lives on 9/11/2001. Another side saying that the Muslims have every constitutional right to build the mosque where they want--America was founded on religious freedom afterall. Some are extreme in their take on the debate. I have seen a hatred brewing against the Muslim community more so in the last month than I have in the last nine years!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Equality in marriage
As many of you know, yesterday a U.S. Court overturned the California same-sex marriage ban. Beliefs aside, I have a huge problem with both sides of the marriage argument.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Honeymoon in Saint Augustine
Josh and I FINALLY went on our long-awaited honeymoon to Saint Augustine, Florida--the oldest city in our beloved United States of America. For those of you who know me really well or even just a tiny bit, you know that I love, love, love, and love some more HISTORY. It intrigues me to research the past because it affected who we are today! Thank the good Lord above that Josh also takes interest in the things I love. :)
Georgia on our mind
Josh has started his job in Atlanta!!! We are praising God for His many blessings, while also feeling a bit homesick. I am currently looking for a job AND looking into going back to school for my Masters. :)
I hate being 6 hours (more or less) from family and friends. Right now I don't know anyone here, so I'm eager to find people that can relate to Josh and me. I REALLY need a job, mainly because I am bored when Josh isn't here.
I hate being 6 hours (more or less) from family and friends. Right now I don't know anyone here, so I'm eager to find people that can relate to Josh and me. I REALLY need a job, mainly because I am bored when Josh isn't here.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Bye-bye Clemson :(
I have four words for you: I MISS MY FRIENDS. I miss being able to just meet each other within 5 minutes. I miss being able to grab a quick bite. I miss being able to hang out at each other's houses at the drop of a hat. And, no, marriage didn't change that. In fact, my husband and I would still hang out with friends just as much IF our friends still lived within a 20-mile radius.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Be thou my vision
For as long as I can remember, my favorite hymn has been "Be Thou My Vision"-- the Old Irish hymn originally sung by 6th century monks. It is such a deep and heartfelt song. When I sing it, I just feel so connected and close to God. I also love the history behind the song. I can imagine earlier Christians singing this song (though not in English) with such great emotion and meaningful devotion.
The English version (written in 1912) that I am familiar with is still sung to the tune in which it was sung originally. The music is the Irish folk song, "Slane," which is about Slane Hill, where in A.D. 433, St. Patrick defied the pagan High King Loegaire of Tara by lighting candles on Easter Eve. The following is a picture of modern-day Slane Hill.
The English version (written in 1912) that I am familiar with is still sung to the tune in which it was sung originally. The music is the Irish folk song, "Slane," which is about Slane Hill, where in A.D. 433, St. Patrick defied the pagan High King Loegaire of Tara by lighting candles on Easter Eve. The following is a picture of modern-day Slane Hill.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
These are a few of my favorite things... that I want!
I am putting my mental wish list into my blog for the fun of it. I don't do much or get much for myself mainly because Josh and I are pinching pennies until we have jobs, but a girl can dream!
1. The Taser C2
I really want a protective weapon of some sort, and I think a taser is a perfect choice. Not to mention it's pink and fabulously full of power!!! I thought about getting my concealed weapons permit after having two apartment break-ins (in a nice apartment complex AND with alarms). But, I think I would feel better having a non-lethal weapon by my side. I still may get my permit and go to the shooting range. It seems like fun!
Monday, May 10, 2010
The oval office, the thunder box, the throne...
Have any of you seen that commercial of the different names for the "toilet"? It always reminds me of my everyday life working at the after school program in Seneca.
I thought working with ages 4 through 11 would make me exempt from any "oval office" problems, but was I W-R-O-N-G!
I can tell story after story about some funny occurence, and I'll even share a few that happened in the last couple of months!
I thought working with ages 4 through 11 would make me exempt from any "oval office" problems, but was I W-R-O-N-G!
I can tell story after story about some funny occurence, and I'll even share a few that happened in the last couple of months!
Faith and Patience: The Job Search Today
If you are close to Josh and me, you may know of our job searching adventures. Here's a brief update of what's going on....
Virginia is for lovers
Four days after my wisdom teeth surgery, I got in a van with my husband and 10 other civil engineering students/professors for a trip to the Institute of Transportation Engineers conference in Portsmouth, VA. It was a very LONG drive there and back, but it was a blast! I met some really great people, ate some delicious food, enjoyed a beautiful city, learned a lot about transportation, and even got to talk politics. :)
I still have my wisdom... just not my teeth
Many apologies to my blog audience for being so extremely busy for the last month! I REALLY need to update the blog world on my wisdom teeth experience in April.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hakuna Matata
Children never cease to amaze me. They constantly bring up conversations that lead me to think about our amazing God.
I work as an assistant director in an elementary school's after school program. Today, as the other assistant director (Kate) and I were singing silly songs with a few kids outside, I thought about one of my favorite Disney movie songs: "Hakuna Matata" from The Lion King. For those of you who may not know (and if you do, you'll have the privilege of hearing it again), "Hakuna Matata" is Swahili for "There are no worries."
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Crooked Health Care Tango
As I was browsing through Facebook news feed this evening, an old classmate posted a news article link that had the following picture:
If you can't tell, that's President Jimmy Carter. I'll be a nice Southerner and say "bless his heart" before I go on. ;)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Never fear, Jenna is here!
I feel that it is my duty to Americans everywhere to explain the basics of this health care bill as well as expand on some interesting parts that people have questioned me about. I have read through many parts of the bill, and the bad definitely "outshines" the good since I have "howevers" lining up beside the "good".
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Health care bill shenanigans
Between Obama blatantly saying to Democrats, "Ignore the polls, vote YES," and Nancy Pelosi's comment that Congress should just pass the bill and work out the kinks later, I just HAVE to say that I have had ENOUGH of this outrageous political behavior.
Feel free to read the, oh, 2,324 pages of Obama Care. I'll even post you a link to take a quick glance at Health care--Senate. Or you can read a quick summary provided by the House at Summary.
Here is MY summary:
The government wants to provide healthcare to everyone--specifically the uninsured. Yes, it is so very nice of them to extend their generosity... to give this opportunity to the uninsured by making all Americans pay for it even if we DON'T want it.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
My heart is whole
As far back in my memory as I can go, I can always remember my parents and my grandparents telling me to "date only who you'd think would make a good mate." As I got older, they also told me to "save myself" for marriage. They didn't just give me the good ol' "it's what's right" or "that's what you're supposed to do" spill. They were honest, and my parents told me something that I never forgot: "You and your future husband will treasure being able to share your whole heart and his with each other." (Somewhat in my own words, but that's what I remember).
When I one day have a daughter and/or a son, I'd like to share this hypothetical story about giving your heart away... enjoy. (This rendition would be for a daughter).
Let's say you meet this wonderful, fantastic guy. Your relationship is amazing. You can tell him anything.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
When someone else has the power
I'd like to think that I'd make a fantastic leader. I don't get an attitude with co-workers, superiors, and those beneath me. I like to think of the well-being of the entire group. I take others' ideas into consideration and adapt them as needed. And I certainly consider myself respectful, open-minded, and friendly. Yet, I use a firm and thorough "rod" (so to speak) when I lead.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The first of many
There comes a time in the life of Jenna J. where blogging becomes necessary.
When I hear, read, and see so many things over the course of many months without writing about it... yes, my brain goes into overload. So, I had an epiphany the other night that it was TIME to go back to the land of "blog" and share with the planet my most interesting thoughts, ideas, theories, poems, songs, and anything else that my brain and fingers can produce.
Oh, how my poor phalanges have missed typing about politics, religion, and the best things that have happened to me in the last year.
As you can see, this picture can sum up THE best thing that has happened to me in the last year.
Anyway, I will grace your computer screens with my stories and thoughts as time glides on. Please be a "follower" of life.liberty.happiness... I truly believe you will at least have a heart or brain poked by my words in the land of blog.
Love, peace, and freedom,
Jenna J.
When I hear, read, and see so many things over the course of many months without writing about it... yes, my brain goes into overload. So, I had an epiphany the other night that it was TIME to go back to the land of "blog" and share with the planet my most interesting thoughts, ideas, theories, poems, songs, and anything else that my brain and fingers can produce.
Oh, how my poor phalanges have missed typing about politics, religion, and the best things that have happened to me in the last year.
As you can see, this picture can sum up THE best thing that has happened to me in the last year.
Anyway, I will grace your computer screens with my stories and thoughts as time glides on. Please be a "follower" of life.liberty.happiness... I truly believe you will at least have a heart or brain poked by my words in the land of blog.
Love, peace, and freedom,
Jenna J.
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